Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Angry Profiteroles; A Little Piece of Heaven

Yesterday I was baking one of my favourite pound cakes and for some reason it exploded all over my oven and worse still, it tasted horribly. So after ranting about how upset I was about wasting all the ingredients and having to clean my oven, again, I decided to put my anger (crankiness) into something productive and make profiteroles.
I had never made them before in my life and my mother has always assured me, making them is a nightmare. But.. It was oddly easy. I used the recipe from Kookook, a Dutch cookbook with basis recipes and preparation techniques. I think everyone should have a cookbook which covers all the basics. And going back to them, sometimes, is the smartest thing.
(of course, as always, I forgot to take pictures during, so you'll have to make do with the finished result)

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Pecan pralinés - A Photo Essay

Really in no mood to type out the recipe tonight, but it will follow later (read: eventually). For now, here aresome photos of my first trip into being a chocolatier!
Pecan praline

Ground pecan praline

Pecan praline ganache - filling

Tempering chocolate (that didn't work, better luck next time)

Chocolate molds

Homemade pecan pralinés

Never buying seabanquet chocolates again