Wednesday, 25 March 2015

A Tale of Two Cities: Hamburger fun

Hamburgers, you think.. YUMM. Alas, I'm not talking food. I live on the Hamburgerstraat. Not named after the food, no big burger restaurant resides here, no, professor doctor Hamburger was a man. 

His full name is Hartog Jacob Hamburger and he was born in Alkmaar in 1859.
He arrived at the univeristy in Groningen in 1901 after other academicpursuits. Professor doctor Hamburger introduced something called osmotic pressure which is used in health science. 
(while I know my orthopedics, this is beyond me)

From 1913 till 1914 he was rector magnificus of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen when the university celebrated its 300 years existence (we just finished celebrating 400 years last autumn!).

He continued on to contribute to science until his death in 1924.

Kind of cool, to live on a street named after such a smart guy!

Net time I will look at some of Gouda's most famous contributions: cheese and stroopwafels!

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